Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A Few Facts About Me, and My Yards

I thought I would tell you a few things that I like, besides ladybugs, thunderstorms, babies, rainbows, and ice cream. As far back as I can remember I have loved flowers. I fully remember my Nana having Fuchsias, growing in a shady spot, just off of her patio. If you walked down the walk, in the planter, is where I saw my first Stocks and Johnny Jump Ups (Violas).

At my Grandma's house, there were Bougainvillea, Iris, Dusty Miller, and Geraniums. Red of course.

When we went to my Sweet Auntie Rita's house, roses lined the driveway. Clipping from neighbors, carefully planted. I think I also remember a very large Hibiscus near the back door. Later, in my teen years my mom had a rather large rose garden. So, I think my love of flowers was destined to be.

I like cut flowers, but not near as much as a yard fully in bloom. I'm the kind of person that would much rather have a flat of flowers delivered, than a vase. My thinking is you can enjoy them much longer, planted. The last couple of years I have not been planting the way I am accustomed to doing. It's a matter of need and want. With money being tight I really didn't need them. I bought seed packets and got my flowers the old fashioned way...plant and wait. No instant gratification there. However, I did get some really nice, and tall flowers!

The next thing that I enjoy is a good race. I'm not talking about putting on some tennies and running ...I like to race mother nature. For example; on a warm summers' eve, just as the sun is setting, I love to get out all the gear to do yard work. Yep the mower, weed wacker, edger, you get the picture. I love to race the sun. See if I can complete the job before its dark. The reward for doing so.... cooling off with the hose while watering the parched grass and flowers, as the last of the sun lights the sky to a beautiful orange. Pure bliss! Today I was in one of those races. Oh, not mowing, but planting flowers. I wasn't racing the sun, but the rain. The weather forcast is for rain, three days of rain. P.E.R.F.E.C.T. Spring showers for summer flowers! I hurried home from work to start my race. Sunday I bought 32 one gallon pot of geraniums for my yard! Oh how excited I am for the riot of color that will be in my little paradise I call home. This might be overload of pictures. I need to have the before pictures so there is something to compare to mid summer, when the grass is greener, and the plants are mounds of bright colors.By the way, today I was the winner again, but only by a few raindrops


The Picketts said...

i LOVE flowers too. However, somehow when they were handing out green thumbs, I must have been standing in the wrong line! Seriously, I WISH I could make my yard as beautiful as you! I think I just get impatient. To me, your backyard is paradise. I'm jealous. Always have been, always will be. :o)
Absolutely beautiful! (As always)

Amy said...

This is the most cheerful post! Honestly what I needed for a pick me up, and I am JEALOUS of your before pictures, they look like afters! You've made me even more excited to garden :).

Lori said...

I am not as lucky as you. It is a little early to start planting, but my tulips are just beautiful this year. I am also a little jealous as your yard has and always does look beautiful, no matter the time of year.

Dana said...

I love your yards. The make me hate rock planters!