Thursday, October 28, 2010

At it Again

I got the back yard mowed. Didn't get to the front today. Tom was sleeping and I didn't want to wake him. BUT, I did make another camera strap. Just playing with designs. I think I will have to do few more to perfect them. Here is my second attempt.
OH, I can do one for fall....
and so on!


The Picketts said...

AWESOME! I've been wanting to make one of these SO bad! Maybe when things slow down a bit....

Lopez Life said...

I love them!!!! I was showing my friends at my inlaws last night! :)

Kayla said...

Oh I love it!!!! Seriously I am jealous of your abilities.

Amy said...

Once I actually get a nice camera, I am paying you to make me one. So cute!!

Kipn n' Sarah said...


Emily said...

Do you have any for sale? I would love one!