Monday, June 1, 2009

Atlantis Ferry Flight

I have been having a hard time this weekend with my Vertigo. Sunday I stayed in bed most of the day trying to will myself to feel better. You see, Atlantis was to ferry back to the Kennedy Space Center this morning at sunrise. I wanted to take Braeden to see the shuttle on the return leg from Edwards Air Force Base. He LOVES airplanes, shuttles, and fighter jets. So, Dana, Kevin, and the kids came last night to spend the night. We set the alarm for 2 AM to see how I was feeling them, and make the decision whether we would be able to go or not. Yeah, I was feeling much better! So we loaded two sleepy kids up and started our journey to the high desert. We arrived about 4:30 with plenty of time to spare for the 5:40 takeoff. We were then told that there was a delay and the takeoff was being postponed until 8:30! Wow, that's a long time to sit in the truck with 2 now wild, and very much awake children! We heard a plane about 7:45 and got all excited. As it flew over we saw it was just a plane, nothing on this ones back. Moments later we heard an even louder jet noise, but couldn't see a thing. We were worried that the shuttle had taken off on the opposite runway, and would not fly in our direction. So we called home to get Jerry to turn on the NASA channel to see if we missed the takeoff. To our excitement, the plane was on the runway! It was heading our way!!As the plane was visible on the horizon we could not believe our luck, it started banking above our heads to head east to it's Florida destination. See the fighter jet trailing the shuttle? No trip is complete unless Kitty rides along. Kitty was sitting on the very pointed nose of a fighter jet. Kitty told Braeden he was very happy to have seen a real live space shuttle.


Laci said...

Very cool! I can't wait for the boys to get a bit older, we can go too and see it with you all! What a good Nana and Mommy to make the trip all for the love of space shuttles!! BTW, that's one lucky kitty!

The Picketts said...

How cool is that?! And such dedication to get up so early! I hope your vertigo stays away!

Amy said...

No fun suffering from vertigo, but it sounds like the day was fun! Great pictures!

Melissa said...

Wow! That's great you went to see it! Once in a lifetime! Hope you are feeling better soon.